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Message to Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America North Texas Chapter

Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America North Texas Chapter - Pakistani  in Dallas TX

Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America North Texas Chapter

(972) 838-0846
(972) 838-0846

About Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America North Texas Chapter

APPNA North Texas Chapter is a component society of Association of Physicians of Pakistani descent of North America which is a not for profit 501C3 organization. It fosters scientific development for the development of education & medical research.


- To help Pakistani Physicians in the practice of medicine in north Texas area

- To explore the possibility of group benefits in the area of purchasing, insurance etc

- To promote understanding and cooperation among the physicians and dentists of Pakistani origin

- To promote and disseminate current medical information in order to foster and stimulate improvements in all aspects of health care

- To safeguard the interests of physicians in general and Pakistani physicians, in particular, if these are being adversely affected

- To assist the new Pakistani physicians during their training and private practice


Primary Office Location

pin 3415 Dartmouth Ave Dallas TX 75205

pin (972) 838-0846

Social Media

Facebook page for Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America North Texas Chapter - Pakistani  in Dallas
Message Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America North Texas Chapter
(972) 838-0846